Youtube Channel Estimation - The Integrity

Fill out the following form to provide us with all the details about the channel. You will receive a response within 24 hours (usually much sooner) to your email or EpicNPC account.
We try to respond to all requests, but if you do not receive a response within 24 hours, assume that we're not interested in your channel.

Channel Estimation Form

Channel link:*

Number of subscribers:*

Number of videos:

Channel geography:

Total number of views:

Screenshot of analytics last 90 days:*

Screenshot of analytics lifetime:*

Contact Info

Your EpicNPC username:

Your email*:

Expected price:


- A channel is considered botted if views or subs were booster artificially at any point. This also includes SMM panels (even if they claim the views are real) and view or sub exchange services.

- Screenshot of features is a screenshot of this page:

- Answer 'yes' to brand account if you have the 'Channel managers' option when you open

- After submitting the form, you will be contacted via PM on EpicNPC with a price quote.

Due to a large volume of stolen channels being offered to us, we will often require ID verification in order to proceed with the sale.